The Dennis Project Logo

About Our Project

Our team has encoded Volume #58 of the Dennis The Menace comic series

Dennis the Menace is a comic series created by Hank Ketcham that originally debuted on March 12, 1951. As of December 1, 2023, the series is still ongoing with continuous releases.

The comics are now written and drawn by Ketcham's former assistants, Marcus Hamilton (weekdays, since 1995), Ron Ferdinand (Sundays, since 1981), and son Scott Ketcham (since 2010), and distributed to at least 1,000 newspapers in 48 countries and in 19 languages by King Feautres Syndicate, Inc. The comic strip usually runs for a panel on weekdays and a full strip on Sundays.

Dennis the Menace : Volume 58

Dennis The Menace Project: General Information

Each of our team members discussed segments of this project that we felt would help to enhance its development. Tasks were assigned, discussed, and worked on as a collabortive effort to analyze and encode each mini-story contained within Volume #58

Citation Note

Our Logo was made with Adobe Illustrator with the font Alberta Regular : FONT FINDER

Dennis The Menace Project : Creation Information

Developed for the DIGIT 110 - Text-Analysis class at Penn State Behrend

Dennis the Menace XML Encoding and Analysis by Remington Orange, Lyndon Herschell, Lauren McCurdy is marked with CC0 1.0
